Need your help for identification of a blue stone. Ametistow - It is rather a glass or topaz pebble.

Senolken, 26.07.2016

Is this a aquamarine or is glass because I have found it in mountains. You can put your answer in Russian

Amethystow, 26.07.2016

External features of this stone look like it is glass or irradiated topaz pebble rather than an aquamarine. The color of this stone, if it is not significantly distorted by your camera, is also corresponds to glass or topaz rather than aquamarine. In the inner part of the stone it must be seen well defined and eye-seen channels of growth consisting of micro-bubbles in the case it is aquamarine. As far as I know aquamarines of such a bright color are not available in Russia. It could be found in Luk-Yen (Vietnam), Alto-Ligonha (Mozambique) and 1-2 Brazilian deposits

A simple way to check this stone is to see it through Chelsea Filter. If the stone is green in Chelsea filter it MAY BE aquamarine. If it is sand yellow it MAY BE heavy treated topaz. Otherwise it is glass. Espessially if the stone has red or pink Chelsea filter reaction. Good Luck to You, Senolken

Senolken, 26.07.2016

Yes i can see micro bubbles in the stone. And this stone is from Romania and it stayed not far from a river. Also i observed that the stone has an hexagonal form like aquamarines. Если внутри минерала есть пузырьки то камень настоящий ? И цена от чего зависит?

Amethystow, 27.07.2016

If the stone is aquamarine there must be micro-bubbles located along the strait lines.But the stone with such bubbles may be aquamarine or may be not. So I advise you to use DIRECT method of testing. It may be measurement of refractive index of your stone. If the index is 1.57-1.58 it is aquamarine of high quality (good color, clarity and weight). The price could be from $5 to $30 per gram in Europe. I have no info on gem prices in Romania. BUT IT MUST DIRECT EVIDENCE that it is aquamarine. The first gemmologist, geologist or lapidary who want to buy it from you will check it easily. So try to sell and you will know what it is very soon. Good luck.

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